You work hard to build your business,
and the very last thing you need is for your IT systems to go down on you,
especially right in the middle of a huge project.
But, as Murphy's Law would have it,
that's right when they seem to go down the most, because that's when you're
likely taxing your system at its highest levels.
According to Statista (a leading statistics analytics company) in a recent
survey the largest number of respondents (24%) said that; enterprise downtime
cost their company between $301,000 to $400,000 per hour.
Whether it cost your company more or less than that average, one thing is certain, downtime is costly, especially when it happens at the wrong time.
There Is A Solution To This And Your Other IT Problems
The solution that is almost
instantaneous, costs the least and provides the greatest number of benefits is
called Remote Monitoring And Management or RMM for short.
There are literally so many benefits to RMM that we could write a book, instead, here are just a few...
1. It Minimizes Your Companies Downtime
On average 545 hours of staff
productivity are lost per employee per year. Just taking the average hourly
wage in the U.S. of $22.59 per hour puts that cost at a staggering $12,311.55
lost per year per staff member per year.
This is just lost productivity, this
doesn't take into account lost sales, customer goodwill and many other factors.
Having a rock solid RMM system in
place that monitors your systems 24/7/365 is critical to stopping downtime
before it starts by monitoring loads, stress points, attacks and failures at
their stress and weak points.
You've no doubt heard the age old
saying 'an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure'. Well, there's a
reason it's such an old saying, because it's true.
Don't wait for your systems to crash before you fix them. Instead, use RMM as the preventive maintenance that stops them from going down in the first place.
2. Security
You read about it in the news just
about every week and sometimes daily. Another company was hacked, their data
stolen, and their customers data stolen as well. Then come the headaches.
Your company loses untold sums, you had better cancel your life and grab a cot, because your basically living onsite until this one is over.
Your customers are livid and filing lawsuits in the millions.
The company has to blame someone, so
you know somebody is getting a fired and run out of town.
You seriously don't need that kind of
pain. You don't want to be that guy or girl.
It's not worth all of that, not when
the solution is so simple.
You simply contract with an RMM
service that monitors ever changing numbers of security weaknesses and threats.
When one occurs, you know about it
instantly and can stop the damage before it starts, as your security measures
deploy within nanoseconds.
It's not just smart or good business, it's a necessity.
3. Reduced Total Cost Of Ownership
Hardware, software, staff, and
maintenance bills add up really fast.
It takes a lot of investment capitol and ongoing financing to manage it all.
However, with an RMM system in place
your costs are cut dramatically.
This is a huge number: 93% of
businesses surveyed said that RMM met or exceeded their IT cost saving
Two of the areas that costs were cut the most dramatically by businesses surveyed were; reliability of company IT 56%, and repairs and troubleshooting came in at 70%.
It's imperative that you cut costs to
enhance your competitive edge, stave off cyber-attacks and stop downtime. The best solution to solve your challenges is RMM.
Contact us today to find out how fast and easy it is to start with your first month for trial.
1. https://www.statista.com/statistics/753938/worldwide-enterprise-server-hourly-downtime-cost